15 products
954-908-7010 | 954-289-5833 (Span) | LIVE CHAT
954-908-7010 / 954-289-5833 (Español)
Hours of Operation -> Monday - Thursday 9 am - 6 pm | Friday 9 am - 4 pm | Saturday 8 - 12PM | Sunday closed
Live Help Avail -> Mon - Thur 9 - 6 | Fri 9 - 4 | Saturday 8 - 12PM | Sunday closed
15 products
A Florida Plumbing Contractor (CFC) is a contractor whose services are unlimited in the plumbing trade and include contracting activities such as the execution of contracts requiring experience, financial resources, knowledge, and skill to install, maintain, repair, alter, extend, or, if permitted by law.
If you are a plumber in the state of Florida, you must have either a certified plumbing contractor's license or a registered plumbing contractor's license to conduct business in the state. Businesses and employers must be licensed as certified plumbing contractors on a statewide basis.