CPO Instructions


Thank you for choosing Rob Estell for the Certified Pool Operator Course. For 20 years I have provided the best CPO course possible and strive to provide our students with crucial information that will not only help them with this course, but with their duties as a CPO, Manager, Contractor or Consultant as well.

Once you are a student with Rob Estell , you are a student for life. My motto is "No student left behind".


CPO Login Instructions


Step 1: Follow directions to enroll online

You MUST review one of the below documents before attempting to use your access code:

If you have any problems logging onto the online course, please call the NSPF at 719-540-9119 between 10am-7pm EST MON - FRI

***IMPORTANT: Your NSPF online course is only good for 6 months after activation on the NSPF website ***


Step 2: Highlight your book

Highlight your books using the below highlighting instructions before you take your exam.


Step 3: Print out your certificate and schedule your exam.

Once you have completed your online Primer course, please print your certificate, and contact our office to schedule a class room review, state code information, and final exam at 561-441-9932. Please make sure that you highlight your book with the PDF handout provided in Step 2 prior to your exam.

***IMPORTANT: Student MUST bring a valid government issued photo ID for the exam. Please also bring a calculator, 2 pencils, and highlighter.***


Certified Pool Operator Course Pretest - click here
CPO Basic Math Skills Practice Test - click here



Step 4: Read Local Codes

This will not be on the test, but a requirement for this course to know the state and local codes.


Link to Viewable Florida Contracting Laws & Local Codes


State and Local Codes Videos

Who is Virginia Graham Baker ?

The Virginia Graham Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act Explained (VIDEOS)

Pool Safely Videos

The Model Aquatic Health Code Page


Broward County Chapter 9

Sec. 9-75. - Limited specialty building contractor categories.

Commercial Pool/Spa Contractor—Class "CPC": The scope of work of a class CPC specialty building contractor includes, but is not limited to, the construction, repair, water treatment, and servicing of any swimming pool, hot tub, or spa, whether public, private, or otherwise, regardless of use. The scope of work includes the installation, repair, or replacement of existing equipment, any cleaning or equipment sanitizing which requires at least a partial disassembling, and the installation of new pool/spa equipment, interior finishes, installation of all perimeter and filter piping, construction of equipment rooms or housing for pool equipment, and installation of package pool heaters. However, the scope of such work does not include direct connections to a sanitary sewer system or to potable water lines. In order to be eligible to be certified as a Class "CPC" specialty building contractor, the applicant shall have at least six (6) years of practical experience in the category and shall have obtained a certificate from the National Spa and pool Institute as a Certified Pool Operator.

Residential Pool/Spa Contractor—Class "RP": The scope of work of a Class "RP" specialty building contractor includes, but is not limited to, the construction, repair, water treatment, and servicing of any residential swimming pool, hot tub, or spa, regardless of use. The scope of work includes the installation, repair, or replacement of existing equipment, any cleaning or equipment sanitizing which requires at least a partial disassembling, and the installation of new pool/spa equipment, interior finishes, installation of all perimeter and filter piping, installation of housing for pool equipment, and installation of package pool heaters. However, the scope of such work does not include direct connections to a sanitary sewer system or to potable water lines. In order to be eligible to be certified as a Class "RP" residential pool/spa contractor, the applicant shall have at least four (4) years of practical experience in the category and shall have obtained a certificate from the National Spa and Pool Institute as a Certified Pool Operator.

Swimming Pool/Spa Servicing Contractor—Class "SP": The scope of work of a Class "SP" specialty building contractor includes, but is not limited to, the servicing and repair, including the treatment of water, of any swimming pool, hot tub, or spa, whether public, private, or otherwise, regardless of use. The scope of work includes the replacement or repair of existing equipment, any cleaning or equipment sanitizing which requires at least a partial disassembling, and the installation of new pool/spa equipment, interior refinishing, the reinstallation or addition of pool heaters, the repair or replacement of all perimeter piping and filter piping, the repair of equipment rooms or housing for pool/spa equipment, and the substantial or complete draining of a swimming pool, hot but, or spa, for the purpose of any repair or renovation. The scope of such work does not include direct connections to a sanitary sewer system or potable water lines. In order to be eligible to be certified as a Class "SP" swimming pool/spa servicing contractor, the applicant shall have at least two (2) years of practical experience in the category and shall have obtained a certificate from the National Spa and Pool Institute as a Certified Pool Operator.



64E-9 Public Bathing Places & Florida Building Code

64E-9 Public Swimming Pools and Bathing Places

Florida Statures Chapter 489, Chapter 455, & 61G4 Board Rules



Water Circulation Explained

Backwashing a sand filter

Backwash and adding DE for a DE Filter


Vacuum DE Filter clean part 1

Vacuum DE Filter clean part 2

Vacuum DE Filter clean part 3

Vacuum DE Filter clean part 4